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“A shared physical reality exists for all local observers.  Reality can be reliably and accurately modeled.  The models can be built from rational thought, observation, and tests.”


I have just cited the first axiom of the Scientific Method, to which I will posit an antecedent I refer to as King’s AXIOM ZERO: “Everything that exists in physical reality has a mental or physical beginning. This is what the Jadeist understands as the Egyptian concept of Zep Tepi (translated as “The First Time”).


In solving the question “What is the origin of Baal?,” I will now demonstrate the application of “G” Axioms 1: Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another; and 4: Things which coincide with one another are equal to one another.


We have been taught that Baal is a Canaanite god, and that knowledge of his character and functions derive chiefly from tablets uncovered at Ugarit from 1921 C.E. onwards.  These tablets indicate that Baal was first attested to during the second Millenium B.C.. Following is one of the oldest specimens of a Baal statuette from Ugarit. 




BAAL Of Ugarit

But where did the Physical Reality of Baal first  manifest itself, and what were the original  aspects of its physical characteristics? 


We are taught that the meaning of Baal is “Lord”, and that he was the son of El (whose name simply means “God”, but with the added qualification of being "The Highest  God") of Canaan.


[This is where Analogical Reasoning can be used as an Algebraic Operation for solving the ancient God Equation.  As a generic appellation El = Highest God, or King of the Gods.  Thus, in a polytheistic system, El can be regarded as the Procreator of all the gods.  But the ancient Gods, like the monarchs who represent them, rise and fall; and the King of the Gods will be associated with the monarch who holds the position of Emperor, or Highest Priest (often the same person).  So that El = God of Highest Priest or Emperor X.  The powers and attributes of X will be augmented but never diminish, even if this must be effectuated through a process of assimilation.  It is only the name (or true Ren ) of X that varies.  Anyone with a rudiment knowledge of algebra knows that the solution or root of an equation is any value that can be substituted into the equation to make it a true statement.  During the reign of Seti I, dejure Emperor of Kemet, the El of Canaan was none other than Iah.  Proof is in the boast:

"I am the Sun (i.e., "Ra") of Kemet and the Moon ("Iah") of the foreign lands."] 


Returning to Baal, we see that he also equals “The son of God”.  But Baal, according to the evidence thus far discovered, can’t be traced back any further than c. 2000 B.C..   However, the title  “son of God” can.  Beginning with the 5th Dynasty of Egypt (c. 2465-2323), the kings adopt the title “son of (the God) Ra”.  Was the title --- perhaps along with the god --- imported from Egypt?  We are aware that the three main ways by which culture and ideas are transmitted to foreign lands are by trade, exploration, and conquest.  Did Egypt have any such contact with Ugarit?  Unearthed documents from Ugarit show that it had contact with Egypt’s Middle Kingdom (c. 2040-1782), and also became its vassal!  They have artifacts inscribed with the names of Senusret I (c. 1971/1920-1926/1875); Senusret III [(c. 1973-1839). Note that he wears the Hedjet Crown of Osiris]; and Amenemhet III (c. 1939-1799).  

King Of The Gods
Senusret I King Of Egypt
Senusret III
Amenemhet III

Now, for the capper.  The following is a picture of the Narmer Palette (created c. 3200-3000 B.C.), showing the king of the Two Lands of Egypt in the Smiting Position (left).  Pharaoh is also known as “Great Lord”.  Can El be equated with Ra.  Absolutely.  Ra was syncretized with Osiris, and both were associated with Heliopolis, which is On, the Egyptian city in which the Israelites sought El. “…they found me in the house of On…” (Hosea 12:4 LXX).


Finally, A picture of Osiris. Represented as the god Sah (i.e., the constellation of Orion), Most High God of Heaven.  Be aware that Sah was the stellar configuration also associated with Min/KHEM!  Pepi I  was "Beloved of the lord of Coptos (Min)."   And Mentuhotep IV (c. 1997-1991 B.C.) of Dyn11 erected a stele to "his father Min."  Osiris was said to ressurrect as  the God Min!

OSIRIS As SAH (The Orion Constellation)

Are you left with any doubt that the Baal of Canaan was none other than the King of Egypt, who was worshipped as a god since the days when "there were giants in the earth?" (Gen. 6:4).  On monuments, the king of Egypt is always  depicted on a GIGANTIC scale compared to those who occupy scenes with him.  


And if the origin of Baal is rooted in Kemet, then so too is the name.  The Egyptian Ba  pertained to that aspect of the soul's ability to move freely and assume different forms, essentially acting as manifestations of the Gods in the afterlife, allowing them to maintain interaction with the living world.  El, or Al, was simply the Canaanite word for God, which was called Neter  in Egyptian.  So Baal simply means "A physical manifestation of God", whoever  that God might be!


For those reading me for the first time, I redirect you to SQUARING THE LIGHT.

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