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(Pronounced : Jah-DAY-ism)

Minister Jauaz LeJade (Dec. 2023)


Formulated  in 1990 by Anthony Ray King (aka Jauaz LeJade; Expounder of THE EXODUS SOLUTION), as a hybrid variation of Deism (belief in the inborn apprehension of religious knowledge acquired by the use of reason), with the rejection of external supernatural revelation and intervention.





Old Testament God Jah (Egyptian Iah as transcendental force manifested in Universal Laws of Nature;  Jah as Immanent Force when these laws (to the extent of individual potential)  are comprehended and applied to daily life.  Jadeism reconciles Deism's Transcendental concept of God with the Orthodox Christian view of Immanence

(= Trans - Immanence).   



A formal assembly of Jadeists presided over by a Minister is called a Court; the male attendants are called Courtiers; the females, Courtesans. Non-Jadeist Attendees comprise Emissaries, Honorary Aspirants and Liaisons.

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