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King's Theophoric Theory | SQUARING THE LIGHT

WIKIPEDIA published: "No modern attempt made to identify an historical prototype for Moses has found wide acceptance, and no period in Egyptian history matches the biblical accounts of the exodus." 



While analyzing the complete titulary of the pharaohs, this original research applies scientific axioms and proofs that result in precise Egypto-Biblical Synchronicity.  Moses (in his plurality of prototypes) can  be found, and the periods of Egyptian history that coincide with the biblical accounts (minus the plagues and episodes of divine provocation) can  be referenced in their proper time-frames.  


Simply put, the exodus is a mystery. Once solved, it provides the second key to unlocking the secrets that yet remain in the Old Testament narratives. Squaring The Light 3 provides



What's further being postulated by this author, as a result of these historical synchronisms, is the existence of evidence supporting a deliberate revisionism of Ancient Egyptian History for the purpose of experimenting with Plato's Noble Lie.  It is also a parasitical  form of plagiarism, in the sense that its methods include attaching itself to verifiable  hosts from which, by association, it derives the means of subverting other biographies for its own self-substantiation. 



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