JADEISM (Pronounced Jah-DAY-ism)
Formulated in 1990 by Anthony Ray King (aka Jauaz LeJade; Expounder of THE EXODUS SOLUTION), as a hybrid variation of Deism (belief in the inborn apprehension of religious knowledge acquired by the use of reason), with the rejection of external supernatural revelation and intervention.
Didactic. Spiritual Enlightenment and Advanced Bible Study.
Free Thought, Self-Autonomy, and Self-Perfection.
Old Testament God Jah (Egyptian Iah ) as transcendental force manifested in Universal Laws of Nature; Jah as Immanent Force when these laws (to the extent of individual potential) are comprehended and applied to daily life. Jadeism reconciles Deism's Transcendental concept of God with the Orthodox Christian view of Immanence (= Trans-Immanence).
The Immanent aspect of God [i.e., the 'Image' of God (Gen 1:26-27)] is considered inherent in human nature and manifested by man's inborn ability to deduce the existence of God and his relationship to God. Belief in this inborn ability is further predicated upon the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was The Word ... and The Word was God" (Jo. 1:1); "In Him was life, and the life was THE LIGHT of men." (Jo. 1:4).
The Jadeist traces the origin of this gospel, via the Greeks, to Memphis, Egypt. (See JEPHTHAH). We attribute its preservation to Shabaka, the Cushite Pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty. The medium of its preservation is, to us, "The Stone that has become the head of the corner.".
Jadeism understands 'Word' to be an English transliteration of the Greek 'Logos', the etymology of which is elucidated in the following manners: < Gk logos a word, speech, discourse, proportion, RATIO, n. der. of legein to choose, gather, speak.
Reason is etymologically presented thus: ME resun, reisum (n.) < OF reisun, reson, < L. rationem, acc. of RATIO reckoning, REASON. Or, more specifically, the ability to apply LOGIC. ( A Jadeistic application of Ratio & Proportion is demonstrated with KING'S PARADIGM ).
We therefore conclude that The Word, i.e., The Logos, may also be interpreted as REASON, the natural human ability for rational thought. "...And REASON is A Master Builder." (Aristotle, Politics ).
For the Jadeist supernatural revelation becomes possible through inspired and creative thought. "I AM THAT I AM" (Ex 3:14). Why not, then, "COGITO, ERGO SUM" (I THINK THEREFORE I AM )? (Contemplate Proverbs 23:7, and remember where you were first made)!
By equating Jah with The Word, Jah is ultimately the source of every conceivable phenomena: THE ALL! Everything inevitably emanates, evolves, or is created from the essence of Jah. What a Jadeist calls Nature is but a physical manifestation of Jah. Including the Jadeist him/her-self. And because we exist as man and woman it would be illogical to conceive the existence of a God without the equal existence of a GodDESS. Therefore Jadeism espouses equality of the sexes, and reject the entire story of Adam and Eve, along with the subsequent Doctrine of Original Sin, as nothing more than myth and religious dogma. WE DO NOT HOLD WOMAN-KIND RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MORTALITY OF MAN-KIND OR ANY OTHER KIND OF THE HUMAN RACE!!!!! (In fact, it can be proven that, in most ancient times, the exact opposite view was held).
We also do not subscribe to a creation c. 4000 B.C., as per LXX or AKJV reckoning. Neither do we believe in Noah and the flood or mass Exodus from Egypt led by a Levite Hebrew named Moses. Read the Historical Moses!
Inherited Sovereign Ministry. We are not accountable to any other religious authority.
Centralized Non-Hierarchic Enclaves.
Ridgeland, S.C. United States of America.
Somers, CT.
To Make BAD Ones Just As Good!
1. High school diploma/GED or higher.
2. Alcohol free.
3. Drug free (medical prescriptions the only exceptions).
4. Nicotine free.
5. A vegetarian.
6. A monthly 3-day fast (during the waxing, full, and waning phases of the moon) for a mandatory one-year probationary period, to demonstrate willpower and self-discipline.
Since Jade Temple equally stresses the importance of cleanliness, it reserves the prerogative to exclude from membership, or physical fellowship, those persons who neglect a daily upkeep of their personal hygiene. Nor does Jade Temple tolerate the presence of those people who have no respect for the natural environment or the personal properties constructed therein. Littering and graffiti are strictly prohibited!
1. A daily observance of at least one hour in isolated and silent self-contemplation.
2. Honoring Monday as a sacred day consecrated to study, worship, and charitable works.
3. Our official holidays are St. John the Baptist (June 24th) and St. John the Evangelist (December 27th). The attached Change Sheet from Petersburg Federal Prison documents myself as the 1st celebrant of our 1st official holiday. Here, too, my 071 status is verified.
The Septuagint. A Jadeistic perspective thereof, with emphasis given to a non-orthodox and/or allegorical interpretation of the Gospels.
JADE TEMPLE is not an external, physical structure, and does not require one as a focal point of Religious Service. For "The body is the temple and the spirit of God (or one's Higher Power) dwells within...." (1 Co 3:16). Therefore, Jade Temple constitutes the collective body of members who actually embrace and practice Jadeism). All who are interested in knowing more about it are encouraged to forward their enquiries, regardless of race, color, social status, or religion (Atheists included. For we swear not upon the name of any God, since our word is bond enough).
Prior to becoming a Jadeist, most members were "locked up" (like the prisoner in Plato's Allegorical Cave). But, since then having acquired Gnosis, are now "locked in " (The Enclave). A formal assembly of Jadeists presided over by a Minister is called a Court; the male attendants are called Courtiers; the females, Courtesans. Non-Jadeist Attendees comprise Emissaries, Honorary Aspirants and Liaisons.
For those who are reading me for the first time, you are redirected to SQUARING THE LIGHT.